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Non-Violent Resistance

This is a programme aimed at parents and carers who are experiencing aggressive, controlling/coercive or violent behaviour from their child. Child to parent violence is an issue that is not often spoken about and can be surrounded by silence, embarrassment, shame and fear. Parents feel powerless to their child who seems to hold all the power. If you feel like you are walking on eggshells, that you are not able to manage or that you have tried everything, NVR is an option worth exploring.


The NVR can be offered as a 7-week programme that can be accessed on a one-to-one basis or within a group. Our Development Worker (Rebecca) is trained and experienced in working with families on a one-to-one basis as well as facilitating groups. She can work with you to discuss options and availability.


If you would like more information, to self-refer or if you are working with someone you would like to make a referral for, please get in touch with Rebecca on or call 087 751 4578 where she can discuss your options in more detail.  Or you can use the referral form.


Cost: Free


Please note: We aim to support parents/carers to access NVR in the best way for them. Depending on the demand for this programme, there may be a waiting list in operation for both our one-to-one and group services.


You can find more information on NVR at:



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